Clinical Model

Gaynors Clinical Model establishes a shared language of care for staff, regardless of discipline. All treatment plans are based on a set list of evidence-based practices that guide the actions of every staff member. This process, combined with the principles listed below, makes our approach truly innovative.

Family Engagement. While we strive for parent involvement, we are not satisfied to leave it there. Our goal is to have an organization that is family driven. Full partnership with the families we serve is good for us, good for them, and good for their loved ones.

Create an environment of comfort vs. control. Over a decade ago, Grafton made a commitment to minimize or, where possible, eliminate the use of restraint and seclusion. The resulting success led to the creation of Ukeru Systems, a Grafton division that, today, helps other organizations seeking to minimize the use of coercive approaches. Learn more about our philosophy of comfort vs. control.

Leverage data to deliver outcomes. Gaynors "Goal Mastery Initiative" is a structured and sustainable system that identifies, monitors, and evaluates client progress, embedding data-based decision-making into cross-disciplinary planning and treatment. The extensive data we gather demonstrates the practice-based efficacy of our program. Learn more about our outcomes data.

Maximize impact within the shortest length of time. We provide a rich array of services - including psychiatrists, nurses, nurse practitioners, board certified behavior analysts, registered behavior technicians, and speech and occupational therapists - from the outset of care, helping the client progress quickly.

Provide a holistic continuum of services. Grafton provides an integrated continuum of care - including educational, early intervention, outpatient, therapeutic community living options, and short-term stabilization services, as well as career and technical training - helping clients thrive in a variety of settings. Our breadth of sub-specialty expertise makes our organization a one-stop solution for clients with complex challenges. Learn more about the services we provide.