Our Approach

Gaynor is able to accept – and, based on clearly defined indicators, succeed with - clients with the most challenging behaviors, many of whom have a co-occurring diagnosis. We do this by employing an innovative approach based upon what we refer to as our "Foundational Five" concepts, inspired by our founder, Ruth Birch:

Be kind. This seems obvious, but it requires always bearing in mind that, when the client is at their worst, we need to be at our best.

Assume trauma. Gaynor goes to great lengths to ensure that every aspect of care is trauma informed. From Ukeru®, our patented approach to restraint-free crisis management, to our treatment plans, Grafton takes a universal precaution approach to trauma.

Teach. All staff see themselves as teachers at Grafton, using their training to provide clients with the skills needed to overcome their challenges.

Use the community as our classroom. We want our clients to practice their growing skillsets in their communities and schools. We work closely with local resources to integrate our services and facilitate social connections.

Be a behavior detective. We believe it is our duty to understand behavioral challenges deeply and functionally, in order to provide the client with the opportunity to develop new behaviors in ways they, and their loved ones, didn't know were possible.